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Killen The Flesh

Yoni Steam At Home Kit

Yoni Steam At Home Kit

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Yoni Steam At Home Kit

 Includes: Stainless Steel Yoni Bowl, Satin Yoni Steam Gown(pink or purple), & Yoni Steam Herbs-1 month supply(3 Steams)

Vaginal steaming is the act of sitting over a steaming pot of herbs while the vapors from the herbs heat your pelvic floor, increasing circulation to your uterus and other reproductive organs and delivering nutrients necessary for restoring and maintaining homeostasis. The herbs in a vaginal steam are chosen to nourish the reproductive organs while cleansing them of any pathologies. Think of vaginal steaming as a facial for your entire pelvic area including the reproductive system.

Yoni Steams assist with regulating menstrual cycles, painful cramps, heavy periods, cleansing and detoxing, promote circulation, fertility, pcos, endometriosis, pH balance, reduce yeast infections and BV.

Yoni Steams are also Spiritual: 

Yes, there is even deeper healing available to you within your yoni steam practice. Once you’ve got the time set aside; the next step is to incorporate spiritual resilience practices that allow you to ground in more deeply with self-love, connect with your innate strength, and activate on an entirely new level. When you activate in this way, you’ll start to witness the world shift around you, responding to your output of energy with more ease, peace and abundance. The truth is, your world is a reflection of you, so now is the time to cultivate your internal radiance so you can truly live into your vision.

 Do not steam during your period! 

Steps to Yoni Steam At Home

*Put on your Steaming Gown

1. Bring 8 cups  water preferably spring water to a boil.

2. Empty package of herbs into water and turn off after 1-2 mins then allow to simmer for 8-10 mins 

3.  Pour herbal tea mixture into stainless steel bowl that should already be placed underneath clean and sanitized toilet seat. 

4. Do hand test to see if water is to warm to sit over if so allow to cool a little longer.

5. Sit over Yoni Bowl until water is no longer steaming or warm!

*While Steaming do some deep breathing in and out say affirmations, pray, release, exhale! Become one with self knowing that you are while you are well and Good things are coming your way!



  1. You are pregnant or think you may be pregnant

  2. You are currently bleeding

  3. You have an active vaginal infection or open wounds

* Use with caution if you have an IUD. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns! 


The information provided is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The provider presumes no responsibility for any adverse reactions from the usage of the products or services. As with any herbal supplement or medication, always consult with your doctor or physician before use.


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